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Search and Service Options
We offer our clients a choice of retained, priority or contingency search options. We customize your search to reflect the unique needs of your staffing needs and the culture of your organization.

Retained Search Agreement
Your search consultant commits the majority of his or her time to filling your position.A minimum of two candidates who meet or exceed your requirements are presented within ninety days.
Search coordinators are assigned to your project through its completion.
Screening of candidates in person or by videoconference is available at your request.
The fee is a percentage of the candidate's first-year earnings plus expenses.
The first third is paid up front to bind the commitment.
The second third is paid at the time of the first candidate's interview.
The final third is paid at upon hiring of the candidate.
You have a replacement guarantee of six months.

Priority Search Agreement
Your search consultant devotes the majority of his or her time to filling your position.
A search coordinator allocates up to 50 percent of his or her time to your project.
Screening of candidates in person or by videoconference is available at your request.
You are given exclusivity of candidates.
The fee is a percentage of the candidate's first-year earnings plus expenses.
15 percent of the fee is required upon commencement of the search.
The balance is due upon hiring of the candidate.
You have a replacement guarantee of 90 days.

Contingency Search Agreement
No financial commitment is required to initiate the search. Although this arrangement imposes no strong commitment on either the part of the consultant or the client, it can be an effective business arrangement when both parties are in agreement.
The fee is a percentage of the first-year earnings and is payable at the time the candidate starts employment.
You have a replacement guarantee of 30 days

Mission Statement

To build integrity, honesty, trust and loyalty to each and every person that we touch. We understand that what we are all about is changing lives for the better by old fashion values that have stood the test of time!